We are taking our next Sparks Camper Meet Up to Head of the Hooch on Saturday, November 3, 2018.
Head of the Charles proved to be its’ own adventure for our staff and past campers. The already competitive atmosphere, combined with difficult Sunday conditions made for the ultimate challenge. We are grateful, despite the conditions, we were able to catch up with not only past campers, but past program leaders and coaches on the shore near the Eliot Bridge.
For our Head of the Hooch Meet Up we hope for an even larger turn out. Sparks Camps are not only domestic but also international. We hope to introduce campers from these different adventures and provide them with the opportunity to share their experiences about camp, their fall seasons, recruiting experiences, rowing experiences and more. In addition to discussion, we will be distributing citrus (a camp classic) and Sparks stickers (who doesn’t love a good water bottle sticker)!
All details about the Meet Up will be shared on Instagram as the event approaches. To find out more follow us on Instagram @SparksConsulting