Discover colleges that meet your rowing and academic needs in minutes

The Sparks College Database is a powerful tool designed to help you find the right college
The Sparks College Database was created to help the Sparks community find the right college where they can grow through the sport of rowing. This means our college database was developed with you in mind. It can easily help you identify colleges that fit your rowing and academic needs. We know that between school work and practice you don’t have time to sift through every team’s website to find the information you need. With our comprehensive database, you’ll be able to learn about each rowing program in one place.
Specifically, you will be able to filter colleges by
- 2K Threshold
- Major – make sure your academic interests are met
- Division
- Tuition – find schools that fit your budget
- Coxing Experience
The college database allows you to find your dream school with just a few filters!
Meet our Recruiting Wizard

Powered by our college database, the recruiting wizard is the most comprehensive way to narrow down your school choices based on your growth as an athlete. How does it work?
Our one-of-a-kind algorithm will track your improvement over a few months so that it can give you an accurate assessment of your chances to get into the top rowing programs.
After answering 6-8 simple questions you'll have:
- The SAT score needed for entry in each college
- 2K score the college usually looks for
- A Likelihood assessment that tells you how close you are to making it to a specific college
The first time you use the recruiting wizard your likelihood assessment will be based on your current performance, but remember the goal of this tool is to assess your improvement over time. This means you should mark your calendar for 3 months out to use the recruiting wizard once again.
The more long term data the wizard gets, the more accurate it will be in knowing your growth curve. So if you use the recruiting wizard a few times over a 6-9 month period then you will have the most accurate assessment.
The recruiting wizard is a powerful tool that will give a concrete way of judging your improvement over time and if you're meeting your goals.

Meet our Timeline Wizard
Our timeline wizard will ask you a few questions so that it can give you personalized, detailed information. With this you will know where you stand in the recruiting process and have a roadmap to get the results you are looking for.